
UNC3944 Is Now Deploying Ransomware Variants

Financially Motivated Hackers Are Diversifying Operations Akshaya Asokan (asokan_akshaya) • September 15, 2023     Image: Shutterstock A financially motivated criminal syndicate that mainly operates in Telegram and underground forums has expanded its criminal arsenals to deploy ransomware and other intrusion capabilities on various cloud applications, warn Mandiant researchers. See Also: Live Webinar | Best […]


Microsoft Patches a Pair of Actively Exploited Zero-Days

Microsoft addressed five critical security vulnerabilities in its September Patch Tuesday update, along with two “important”-rated zero-days under active attack in the wild. In total, Microsoft released 59 new patches addressing bugs across the product gamut: They affect Microsoft Windows, Exchange Server, Office, .NET and Visual Studio, Azure, Microsoft Dynamics, and Windows Defender. The update […]


Update Adobe Acrobat and Reader to Patch Actively Exploited Vulnerability

Sep 13, 2023THNVulnerability / Zero Day Adobe’s Patch Tuesday update for September 2023 comes with a patch for a critical actively exploited security flaw in Acrobat and Reader that could permit an attacker to execute malicious code on susceptible systems. The vulnerability, tracked as CVE-2023-26369, is rated 7.8 for severity on the CVSS scoring system […]