
Malicious NuGet Packages Caught Distributing SeroXen RAT Malware

Oct 31, 2023NewsroomSoftware Security / Malware Cybersecurity researchers have uncovered a new set of malicious packages published to the NuGet package manager using a lesser-known method for malware deployment. Software supply chain security firm ReversingLabs described the campaign as coordinated and ongoing since August 1, 2023, while linking it to a host of rogue NuGet […]


Experts Discover Multiple Malicious npm Packages | Cyware Hacker News

Experts Discover Multiple Malicious npm Packages | Cyware Alerts – Hacker News The world of open-source software offers countless benefits to developers worldwide. However, with opportunities also come risks. The FortiGuard Labs team recently uncovered numerous malicious packages within npm, the most extensive software registry for JavaScript. This article delves deep into these packages, unveiling […]


Over 3 Dozen Data-Stealing Malicious npm Packages Found Targeting Developers

Oct 03, 2023THNSoftware Security / Hacking Nearly three dozen counterfeit packages have been discovered in the npm package repository that are designed to exfiltrate sensitive data from developer systems, according to findings from Fortinet FortiGuard Labs. One set of packages – named @expue/webpack, @expue/core, @expue/vue3-renderer, @fixedwidthtable/fixedwidthtable, and @virtualsearchtable/virtualsearchtable – harbored an obfuscated JavaScript file that’s […]


CapraTube | Transparent Tribe’s CapraRAT Mimics YouTube to Hijack Android Phones

Executive Summary SentinelLabs identified three Android application packages (APK) linked to Transparent Tribe’s CapraRAT mobile remote access trojan (RAT). These apps mimic the appearance of YouTube, though they are less fully featured than the legitimate native Android YouTube application. CapraRAT is a highly invasive tool that gives the attacker control over much of the data […]


Cybercriminals Weaponizing Legitimate Advanced Installer Tool in Crypto-Mining Attacks

Sep 09, 2023THNMalware / Hacking A legitimate Windows tool used for creating software packages called Advanced Installer is being abused by threat actors to drop cryptocurrency-mining malware on infected machines since at least November 2021. “The attacker uses Advanced Installer to package other legitimate software installers, such as Adobe Illustrator, Autodesk 3ds Max, and SketchUp […]