
‘Virtual Wild, Wild West’: Cybercriminals use Wyoming shell companies for global hacks

Estimated read time: 4-5 minutes WASHINGTON — Digital sabotage had knocked a Somalian news website and email accounts offline in August. “I can still feel the frustration,” reporter Abdalle Ahmed Mumin told Reuters. “Our link to the outside world, to the international media, is our website.” It was only after getting help from Qurium, a […]


Stealthy Kamran Spyware Targeting Urdu-speaking Users in Gilgit-Baltistan

Nov 10, 2023NewsroomPrivacy / Cyber Espionage Urdu-speaking readers of a regional news website that caters to the Gilgit-Baltistan region have likely emerged as a target of a watering hole attack designed to deliver a previously undocumented Android spyware dubbed Kamran. The campaign, ESET has discovered, leverages Hunza News (urdu.hunzanews[.]net), which, when opened on a mobile […]


Experts Discover Multiple Malicious npm Packages | Cyware Hacker News

Experts Discover Multiple Malicious npm Packages | Cyware Alerts – Hacker News The world of open-source software offers countless benefits to developers worldwide. However, with opportunities also come risks. The FortiGuard Labs team recently uncovered numerous malicious packages within npm, the most extensive software registry for JavaScript. This article delves deep into these packages, unveiling […]


Python Malware Targets Tatar-Language Users: TA866 Threat Actor Strikes Again

In the latest cybersecurity news, researchers have found a new Python malware targeting Tatar language-speaking users. The Tatar language is a Turkic language spoken primarily by the Tatars, an ethnic group in Russia and neighboring countries. This Python malware strain, sourced by Cyble, can capture screenshots on the victim’s systems and send them over to […]