
Category Added in a WPeMatico Campaign


U.S. DoJ Indicts North Korean Hacker for Ransomware Attacks on Hospitals

The U.S. Department of Justice (DoJ) on Thursday unsealed an indictment against a North Korean military intelligence operative for allegedly carrying out ransomware attacks against healthcare facilities in the country and funneling the payments to orchestrate additional intrusions into defense, technology, and government entities across the world. “Rim Jong Hyok and his co-conspirators deployed


Ongoing Cyberattack Targets Exposed Selenium Grid Services for Crypto Mining

Cybersecurity researchers are sounding the alarm over an ongoing campaign that’s leveraging internet-exposed Selenium Grid services for illicit cryptocurrency mining. Cloud security firm Wiz is tracking the activity under the name SeleniumGreed. The campaign, which is targeting older versions of Selenium (3.141.59 and prior), is believed to be underway since at least April 2023. “Unbeknownst […]