
CVEMap: Open-source tool to query, browse and search CVEs – Help Net Security

CVEMap is an open-source command-line interface (CLI) tool that allows you to explore Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs). It’s designed to offer a streamlined and user-friendly interface for navigating vulnerability databases. Although CVEs are crucial for pinpointing and discussing security weaknesses, their rapid growth and occasional overstatement of severity often result in misleading information. Security […]


New Python-based FBot Hacking Toolkit Aims at Cloud and SaaS Platforms

Jan 11, 2024NewsroomCloud Security / Cyber Attacks A new Python-based hacking tool called FBot has been uncovered targeting web servers, cloud services, content management systems (CMS), and SaaS platforms such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft 365, PayPal, Sendgrid, and Twilio. “Key features include credential harvesting for spamming attacks, AWS account hijacking tools, and functions […]


AuthLogParser: Open-source tool for analyzing Linux authentication logs – Help Net Security

AuthLogParser is an open-source tool tailored for digital forensics and incident response, specifically crafted to analyze Linux authentication logs (auth.log). The tool examines the auth.log file, extracting crucial details like SSH logins, user creations, event names, IP addresses, among others. It produces a concise summary that offers a clear overview of the activities documented in […]


Subdominator: Open-source tool for detecting subdomain takeovers – Help Net Security

Subdominator is a dependable and fast open-source command-line interface tool to identify subdomain takeovers. It boasts superior accuracy and reliability, offering improvements compared to other tools. “Initially, Subdominator was created internally because all the current subdomain takeover tools had gaps in their functionality. No tool had a complete set of accurate service fingerprints or features. […]