
Law enforcement personnel say LexisNexis retaliated when asked to remove data

More than 18,000 people associated with New Jersey law enforcement filed a class action lawsuit against LexisNexis Risk Data Management, LLC on Monday, alleging that after they asked for their information to remain private, the data broker retaliated against them by freezing their credit and falsely reporting them as identity theft victims. The lawsuit claims […]


Over 225,000 Compromised ChatGPT Credentials Up for Sale on Dark Web Markets

Mar 05, 2024NewsroomMalware / Artificial Intelligence More than 225,000 logs containing compromised OpenAI ChatGPT credentials were made available for sale on underground markets between January and October 2023, new findings from Group-IB show. These credentials were found within information stealer logs associated with LummaC2, Raccoon, and RedLine stealer malware. “The number of infected devices decreased […]


95% believe LLMs making phishing detection more challenging – Help Net Security

More than 95% of responding IT and security professionals believe social engineering attacks have become more sophisticated in the last year, according to LastPass. Recent AI advancements, particularly generative AI, have empowered cybercriminals to coordinate social engineering assaults with unprecedented precision and customization. Phishing and other social engineering attacks manipulate people into sharing information they […]


8,000+ Domains of Trusted Brands Hijacked for Massive Spam Operation

More than 8,000 domains and 13,000 subdomains belonging to legitimate brands and institutions have been hijacked as part of a sophisticated distribution architecture for spam proliferation and click monetization. Guardio Labs is tracking the coordinated malicious activity, which has been ongoing since at least September 2022, under the name SubdoMailing. The emails range from “counterfeit […]


Global malicious activity targeting elections is skyrocketing – Help Net Security

With more voters than ever in history heading to the polls in 2024, Resecurity has identified a growing trend of malicious cyber-activity targeting sovereign elections globally. In an era of unprecedented geopolitical volatility, this trend is particularly concerning, as Time Magazine notes that 64 countries (plus the European Union) are set to hold national elections […]


Businesses banning or limiting use of GenAI over privacy risks – Help Net Security

Privacy is much more than a regulatory compliance matter. Findings from a new Cisco study highlight the growing Privacy concerns with GenAI, trust challenges facing organizations over their use of AI, and the attractive returns from privacy investment. “Organizations see GenAI as a fundamentally different technology with novel challenges to consider,” said Dev Stahlkopf, Cisco […]