
Seedworm: Iranian Hackers Target Telecoms Orgs in North and East Africa

Iranian espionage group Seedworm (aka Muddywater) has been targeting organizations operating in the telecommunications sector in Egypt, Sudan, and Tanzania.  Seedworm has been active since at least 2017, and has targeted organizations in many countries, though it is most strongly associated with attacks on organizations in the Middle East. It has been publicly stated that […]


China-Linked Stayin Alive Campaign Targets Telecom and Government Entities | Cyware Hacker News

Researchers have uncovered a new cyberespionage campaign targeting the telecommunications industry and government organizations across Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Pakistan, and Vietnam. The campaign, named Stayin Alive, has been active since 2021 and is possibly the work of a Chinese threat actor called ToddyCat. Infection process The campaign employs spear-phishing emails and DLL side-loading to deliver archive […]