
Bogus npm Packages Used to Trick Software Developers into Installing Malware

Apr 27, 2024NewsroomMalware / Software Security An ongoing social engineering campaign is targeting software developers with bogus npm packages under the guise of a job interview to trick them into downloading a Python backdoor. Cybersecurity firm Securonix is tracking the activity under the name DEV#POPPER, linking it to North Korean threat actors. “During these fraudulent […]


CISA to issue list of software products critical to agency security by end of September

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency is targeting a Sept. 30 deadline to give federal agencies a list of example software products deemed critical for the federal government’s cyber posture. The target date comes from the agency’s responses to a Thursday Government Accountability Office oversight report that examines implementation of a major 2021 cybersecurity executive […]


How Attackers Can Own a Business Without Touching the Endpoint

Attackers are increasingly making use of “networkless” attack techniques targeting cloud apps and identities. Here’s how attackers can (and are) compromising organizations – without ever needing to touch the endpoint or conventional networked systems and services. Before getting into the details of the attack techniques being used, let’s discuss why these attacks are becoming more […]


Misinformation and hacktivist campaigns targeting the Philippines skyrocket

Misinformation and hacktivist campaigns targeting the Philippines skyrocket Pierluigi Paganini April 16, 2024 Amidst rising tensions with China in the SCS, Resecurity observed a spike in malicious cyber activity targeting the Philippines in Q1 2024. Amidst rising tensions with China in the South China Sea, Resecurity has observed a significant spike in malicious cyber activity targeting […]


IT pros targeted with malicious Google ads for PuTTY, FileZilla – Help Net Security

An ongoing malvertising campaign is targeting IT administrators looking to download system utilities such as PuTTY (a free SSH and Telnet client) and FileZilla (a free cross-platform FTP application). “We have reported this campaign to Google but no action has been taken yet,” , Malwarebytes researcher Jérôme Segura shared. The campaign Malicious ads served via […]


Rhadamanthys Malware Deployed By TA547 Against German Targets

The threat actor TA547 has been observed targeting German organizations with the known stealer Rhadamanthys. According to a recent report from Proofpoint, this is the first time this threat actor has been associated with such activity.  What’s particularly intriguing according to the researchers is the actor’s apparent employment of a PowerShell script likely generated by […]


New threat actor Starry Addax targets human rights defenders in North Africa

A new threat actor dubbed “Starry Addax” is targeting human rights activists associated with the Sahrawi Arab Democratic Republic (SADR) cause in North Africa using a novel mobile malware named “FlexStarling.” Starry Addax’s modus operandi involves conducting phishing attacks, enticing victims into installing malicious Android apps that are disguised as legitimate tools. The apps impersonate […]