
Ukrainian Military Targeted in Phishing Campaign Leveraging Drone Manuals

Sep 25, 2023THNCyber Attack / Phishing Ukrainian military entities are the target of a phishing campaign that leverages drone manuals as lures to deliver a Go-based open-source post-exploitation toolkit called Merlin. “Since drones or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) have been an integral tool used by the Ukrainian military, malware-laced lure files themed as UAVs service […]


ShroudedSnooper’s HTTPSnoop Backdoor Targets Middle East Telecom Companies

Sep 19, 2023THNMalware / Cyber Threat Telecommunication service providers in the Middle East are the target of a new intrusion set dubbed ShroudedSnooper that employs a stealthy backdoor called HTTPSnoop. “HTTPSnoop is a simple, yet effective, backdoor that consists of novel techniques to interface with Windows HTTP kernel drivers and devices to listen to incoming […]


Top five APAC government hacks of 2023 (so far)

Local and national governments in the Asia-Pacific region have been high on the target list for hacking groups in 2023 Add bookmark In an interconnected world driven by advanced technology, the threat of cyber-espionage looms large, with governments increasingly becoming prime targets. The Asia-Pacific (APAC) region, home to bustling economies and geopolitical complexities, finds itself […]