
Future Retro Vectra review | Juno Daily

Bringing old-school tech into the modern day, Future Retro’s take on vector synthesis is a hugely endearing weirdo. Greg Scarth finds out more. You only need a few seconds with the Future Retro Vectra to conclude that it’s an oddball. Here’s a synth with a 29-key capacitive touch keyboard, for a start; that’s an approach […]


Professionally Hooked: Microsoft Two-Step Phishing Campaign Targets LinkedIn Users – Perception Point

The Rise of Social Media as a Browser Security Challenge In the modern workspace the lines between professional and personal digital spaces are becoming increasingly blurred. Popular social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn and WhatsApp, once relegated to the realm of personal interaction, have long been integrated into the fabric of daily corporate communication and […]


Behind the Scenes: The Art of Safeguarding Non-Human Identities

Mar 28, 2024The Hacker NewsSecrets Management / Zero Trust In the whirlwind of modern software development, teams race against time, constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation and efficiency. This relentless pace is fueled by an evolving tech landscape, where SaaS domination, the proliferation of microservices, and the ubiquity of CI/CD pipelines are not just trends […]

Data Center

How to understand advancements in modern data centers | TechTarget

Advancements in modern data center operations lead to new capabilities and management challenges. Recent changes to modern data center standards and design maximize both operational and energy efficiency. The modern data center is far more sophisticated than its predecessors. With proper maintenance and management, today’s data centers can support new generations of hardware for years […]

Data Center

How to Design and Build a Data Center

A data center is the technological hub of modern enterprise operations. The data center provides the critical IT infrastructure needed to deliver resources and services to business employees, partners and customers around the world. A small or midsize business can often implement a useful “data center” within the confines of a closet or other convenient […]


Hands-on Review: Myrror Security Code-Aware and Attack-Aware SCA

Introduction The modern software supply chain represents an ever-evolving threat landscape, with each package added to the manifest introducing new attack vectors. To meet industry requirements, organizations must maintain a fast-paced development process while staying up-to-date with the latest security patches. However, in practice, developers often face a large amount of security work without clear […]

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