
New HijackLoader Malware Used to Distribute Various Malware Families | Cyware Hacker News

The cybercriminal community is increasingly adopting a newly discovered malware loader named HijackLoader. First discovered in July, the loader is being used to distribute different malware families such as DanaBot, SystemBC, and RedLine Stealer. Key capabilities HijackLoader uses a modular architecture that facilitates threat actors to perform code injection and execution. While the exact initial […]


New HijackLoader Modular Malware Loader Making Waves in the Cybercrime World

Sep 11, 2023THNCyber Crime / Malware A new malware loader called HijackLoader is gaining traction among the cybercriminal community to deliver various payloads such as DanaBot, SystemBC, and RedLine Stealer. “Even though HijackLoader does not contain advanced features, it is capable of using a variety of modules for code injection and execution since it uses […]


New Chae$ 4 Strain Targets Financial and Logistics Customers | Cyware Hacker News

Morphisec recently identified a more advanced version of the Chaes malware. Dubbed Chae$ 4, this new variant is specifically designed to target clients of financial and logistics companies located in Latin America.  The Chaes malware initially appeared in November 2020, with its primary focus on e-commerce customers in the Latin American region, especially in Brazil. […]


New BLISTER Malware Update Fuelling Stealthy Network Infiltration

Sep 05, 2023THNCyber Threat / Malware An updated version of a malware loader known as BLISTER is being used as part of SocGholish infection chains to distribute an open-source command-and-control (C2) framework called Mythic. “New BLISTER update includes keying feature that allows for precise targeting of victim networks and lowers exposure within VM/sandbox environments,” Elastic […]


The 9 most common types of malware (and some of the worst malware attacks in history)

There are many different types of malware in existence and unfortunately the number is increasing year-on-year. According to a report by software company Symantec there were almost 670 million malware variants in 2017, with researchers estimating this has risen to more than 1 billion malware programs today.  While the presence of so many malware variants […]