
Growing Concern Over Role of Hacktivism in Israel-Hamas Conflict

Hacktivists have claimed to hit Israeli websites through DDoS and defacement attacks following the outbreak of conflict between Israel and Hamas. Cybersecurity experts now warn of signs of more impactful attacks being attempted. Researchers from Radware found that Israel endured 143 DDoS attacks between October 2 and October 10, making it the most targeted nation […]


Both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian hacktivists have joined the fight and are targeting SCADA and ICS systems.

Hacktivists in Palestine and Israel after SCADA and other industrial control systems Pierluigi Paganini October 10, 2023 Both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian hacktivists have joined the fight and are targeting SCADA and ICS systems. Both pro-Israeli and pro-Palestinian hacktivists have joined the fight in the cyber realm. Industrial control systems (ICS) seem to be one of […]


Red Cross Releases Wartime Hacktivist Rules

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has published a new set of rules urging hacktivists to abide by international humanitarian law in times of conflict. Writing in the European Journal of International Law (EJIL), the ICRC warned that cyber-attacks carried out by civilians during wartime are increasingly causing disruption to non-military targets such as […]