
Using AI to reduce false positives in secrets scanners – Help Net Security

As development environments grow more complex, applications increasingly communicate with many external services. When a software development project communicates with an external service, it utilizes a token or “secret” for authentication. These tokens are the glue that keeps any modern application together, and there is a staggering volume and variety of them in code today. […]


The Cybersecurity Resilience Quotient: Measuring Security Effectiveness

In the ever-changing landscape of cybersecurity, where threats morph, adversaries grow increasingly sophisticated, and new technology is adopted at ever greater speed, organizations are continually challenged to evaluate the effectiveness of their defenses. Traditional metrics such as the raw number of security incidents, mean time to detect, mean time to respond, or mean time to […]


Security concerns and outages elevate observability from IT niche to business essential – Help Net Security

Enterprises that leverage observability increase operational efficiency and grow revenue, according to SolarWinds. The report explores how enterprises can act proactively to maximise the advantages of their observability solutions, integrate best practices into implementations, and mitigate common adoption challenges. The report also found that companies implementing observability benefit from increased operational efficiency, faster innovation, and […]