
Androxgh0st Malware Compromises Servers Worldwide for Botnet Attack

Veriti Research has discovered a surge in attacks from operators of the Androxgh0st malware family, uncovering over 600 servers compromised primarily in the U.S., India and Taiwan. According to Veriti’s blog post, the adversary behind Androxgh0st had their C2 server exposed, which could allow for a counterstrike by revealing the impacted targets. The researchers then […]


CherryBlos, the malware that steals cryptocurrency via your photos – what you need to know

What’s the deal with CherryBlos? CherryBlos is a rather interesting family of Android malware that can plunder your cryptocurrency accounts – with a little help from your photos. Wait. I’ve heard of hackers stealing photos before, but what do you mean by malware stealing cryptocurrency via my photos? How does it do that? Well, imagine […]