
IMPERIAL KITTEN Deploys Novel Malware Families

CrowdStrike Counter Adversary Operations has been investigating a series of cyberattacks and strategic web compromise (SWC) operations targeting organizations in the transportation, logistics and technology sectors that occurred in October 2023. Based on a detailed examination of the malicious tooling used in these attacks, along with additional reporting and industry reports, CrowdStrike Intelligence attributes this […]


Countries pledge to not pay ransoms, but experts question impact

All 50 members of the International Counter Ransomware Initiative endorsed a joint policy statement last week asserting “relevant institutions under our national government authority should not pay ransomware extortion demands.” Cyber authorities representing the collection of 48 countries, the European Union and Interpol, gathered for the third year in Washington, to advance efforts to fight […]


Global Government Coalition Launching New Ransomware Efforts

Fraud Management & Cybercrime , Ransomware International Counter Ransomware Initiative Announces First Joint Policy Statement. Chris Riotta (@chrisriotta) • November 2, 2023     Reports indicate ransomware attacks targeting international government institutions are on the rise. A U.S.-led global coalition against ransomware endorsed a joint policy statement declaring that member governments should not pay ransoms. […]


White House urging dozens of countries to publicly commit to not pay ransoms

The U.S. National Security Council (NSC) is urging the governments of all countries participating in the International Counter Ransomware Initiative (CRI) to issue a joint statement announcing they will not pay ransoms to cybercriminals, according to three sources with knowledge of the plans. CRI’s 47 members will convene in Washington for its annual summit on […]