Tatiana Maksimova/Getty Images Smartphone manufacturers and mobile carriers are natural partners, with a shared interest in selling you stuff. The mobile carriers advertise big discounts and even claim they’ll give you a new phone “on us.” But are those deals legit or too good to be true? That can be impossible to figure out without […]
Major U.S. telecom carriers such as Verizon, T-Mobile, and AT&T have experienced significant data breaches in recent years, highlighting the crucial need for aligning FCC’s data breach rules with federal and state laws applicable to other sectors.
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) renewed cybersecurity directives for passenger and freight railroad carriers that were set to expire on Tuesday. The rules — split into three separate directives — mandate that operators test parts of their cybersecurity incident response plans every year, submit annual updated cybersecurity assessment plans to TSA and report on the […]