The hackers, identified as UAT4356 by Cisco Talos and STORM-1849 by Microsoft, began infiltrating vulnerable edge devices in early November 2023 in a cyber-espionage campaign tracked as ArcaneDoor.
A malware phishing campaign that began spreading DarkGate malware in September of this year has evolved to become one of the most advanced phishing campaigns active in the threat landscape. Since then, the campaign has changed to use evasive tactics and anti-analysis techniques to continue distributing DarkGate, and more recently, PikaBot. The campaign surged just […]
There is a new battlefield. It is global and challenging to defend. What began with a high-profile incident back in 2007, when Estonia was hit by hackers targeting its government and commercial sector, has evolved into cyber warfare that is being waged constantly worldwide. Today, cyberattacks have become the norm, transforming how we think about […]