
Zoom H6essential review | Juno Daily

Zoom’s new flagship recorder offers immediate, high-quality recording options for a range of applications. Greg Scarth finds out what makes this handheld recorder extra handy. ‘Just press record’ is the message which greets you upon opening the Zoom H6essential’s box. That might be oversimplifying things slightly – you’ll need to insert batteries, a memory card and […]


SASE Solutions Fall Short Without Enterprise Browser Extensions, New Report Reveals

Mar 27, 2024The Hacker NewsData Protection / Browser Security As SaaS applications dominate the business landscape, organizations need optimized network speed and robust security measures. Many of them have been turning to SASE, a product category that offers cloud-based network protection while enhancing network infrastructure performance. However, a new report: “Better Together: SASE and Enterprise […]


Organizations are knowingly releasing vulnerable applications – Help Net Security

92% of companies had experienced a breach in the prior year due to vulnerabilities of applications developed in-house, according to Checkmarx. AppSec managers and developers share application security duties In recent years the responsibility for application security has shifted away from dedicated security teams and is now shared between AppSec managers and developers. 49% of […]


Self-Propagating Worm Created to Target Generative AI Systems

Researchers have developed a computer worm that targets generative AI (GenAI) applications to potentially spread malware and steal personal data. The new paper details the worm dubbed “Morris II,” which targets GenAI ecosystems through the use of adversarial self-replicating prompts, leading to GenAI systems delivering payloads to other agents. Once unleashed, the worm is stored […]


Using AI to reduce false positives in secrets scanners – Help Net Security

As development environments grow more complex, applications increasingly communicate with many external services. When a software development project communicates with an external service, it utilizes a token or “secret” for authentication. These tokens are the glue that keeps any modern application together, and there is a staggering volume and variety of them in code today. […]


How a $10B Enterprise Customer Drastically Increased their SaaS Security Posture with 201% ROI by Using SSPM

SaaS applications are the darlings of the software world. They enable work from anywhere, facilitate collaboration, and offer a cost-effective alternative to owning the software outright. At the same time, the very features that make SaaS apps so embraced – access from anywhere and collaboration – can also be exploited by threat actors. Recently, Adaptive […]


Unmasking MacOS Malware in Pirated Apps | Cyware Hacker News

Jamf Threat Labs researchers warned against pirate applications distributing a backdoor to macOS users. The researchers noticed the apps appeared similar to ZuRu malware and allowed attackers to download and execute multiple payloads to compromise machines. First discovered According to researchers, the pirated applications are hosted on Chinese pirating websites. They first came across the […]


MavenGate Attack Could Let Hackers Hijack Java and Android via Abandoned Libraries

Several public and popular libraries abandoned but still used in Java and Android applications have been found susceptible to a new software supply chain attack method called MavenGate. “Access to projects can be hijacked through domain name purchases and since most default build configurations are vulnerable, it would be difficult or even impossible to know […]