
Consumers prepared to ditch brands after cybersecurity issues – Help Net Security

In 2023, businesses have been hit with 800,000 cyberattacks, over 60,000 of which were DDoS attacks and 4,000 falling victim to ransomware, according to Vercara. The research found that consumers hold nuanced perceptions regarding cybersecurity incidents and are often less aware of the role they play in maintaining cyber hygiene within a business. These findings […]


Android Banking Trojan Chameleon can now bypass any Biometric Authentication

Introduction In January 2023, the Chameleon Banking Trojan emerged as a significant threat, employing various distribution methods to infiltrate the Android ecosystem, with a specific focus on users in Australia and Poland. Aptly named “Chameleon,” this Trojan showcases its adaptability through multiple new commands, including the examination of app package names. Its primary targets are […]