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BlackCat Group Adopts a New Tactic to Circumvent Security Solutions | Cyware Hacker News

The BlackCat group has yet again added a new tool to its arsenal to evade detection by security solutions offered by different vendors. The attackers have created a new utility called Munchkin that allows them to run the ransomware payload on remote machines, or to encrypt remote Server Message Block (SMB)/Common Internet File Shares (CIFS).  […]


UK warns nuclear power plant operator of cybersecurity failings

EDF, the company operating several nuclear power plants in Britain, has been placed under “significantly enhanced regulatory attention” after an inspection into its cybersecurity practices. The new attention is an escalation of the enhanced regulatory attention that EDF — a subsidiary of the French state-owned energy company Électricité de France — received last year. Since […]


Crambus: New Campaign Targets Middle Eastern Government

The Iranian Crambus espionage group (aka OilRig, MuddyWater, APT34) staged an eight-month-long intrusion against a government in the Middle East between February and September 2023. During the compromise, the attackers stole files and passwords and, in one case, installed a PowerShell backdoor (dubbed PowerExchange) that was used to monitor incoming mails sent from an Exchange […]