
Roland SP-404MKII celebrates 404 day with major firmware update | Juno Daily

New features include modes inspired by the Roland SP-555 and VP-9000 VariPhrase processor.

To celebrate April 4th – also known as 404 day – Roland have released a major new update for the SP-404MKII sampler. The version 4.04 firmware update adds some major new features, including Loop Capture inspired by the SP-555 Looper, a new Groove Function inspired by the VP-9000 VariPhrase processor, and integration with the Koala Sampler app.

The 4.04 update is free to all SP-404MKII users. You can find out more about the 4.04 update in the video above.

The Roland SP-404MKII is in stock now, priced at £384.55.

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