
Premiere – Southbound Sounds’ deep and funky tribute to Mike Huckaby, ‘Educator’ | Juno Daily

A corker from Cork

Southbound Sounds are Alan Keane and Greg O’Connell, an Irish deep house & techno collective based out of Cork in Ireland.

Their pair wear their influences of Chicago house and Detroit techno very much on the sleeve, revelling in gorgeous, uplifting arrangements and soulful machine funk. So much so, in fact, that their latest effort – the four track ‘Educator’ EP – is their tribute to that much missed lost soldier of the house community, Mike Huckaby.

Ahead of the EP’s official release on Friday – although some stores, ahem, may have it in stock a few days early – they’ve shared the original mix of the track, which also gets a John Daly remix on the EP, with Juno Daily readers.

“The concept for the track is self-explanatory from the vocal sample,” the duo told us, “A DJ, producer, sound designer and possibly of most importance, an educator. It’s not often to come across artists with such raw talent and see them use it in the way he did, always humble and extremely inspiring, not just in his productions but through his actions.

“His approach was the sign of true artist and had a very heavy influence on us both. His passing not only created feelings of sadness, but a genuine feeling of loss and missed potential as we felt there was so much more he had to give. What was intended to be a private ode to someone we heavily respected, turned into a dedication to the person he was and the impact he on both us, and the wider community. In so many words, truly an Educator.”

Hear then track on Youtube

or Soundcloud

Preview the entire EP here:

To buy your copy of Southbound Sounds’ ‘Educator’ EP click here