
Oracle Patches 185 Vulnerabilities With October 2023 CPU

Oracle on Tuesday announced the release of 387 new security patches as part of the October 2023 CPU, to resolve vulnerabilities affecting its own code and third-party components.

More than 40 security patches address critical-severity flaws and more than 200 resolve bugs that can be exploited remotely without authentication, Oracle’s advisory reveals.

SecurityWeek has identified 185 unique CVEs in Oracle’s October 2023 CPU, many of them impacting multiple products. Not all are new CVEs and many of them are non-exploitable for the impacted Oracle products.

The Oracle product to have received the largest number of security patches is Financial Services Applications, at 103 fixes. Of these, 49 address vulnerabilities that are remotely exploitable without authentication.

Next in line is Oracle Communications, with 91 security patches, 60 of which address unauthenticated, remotely exploitable issues.

Oracle has also announced numerous patches for Fusion Middleware (46 fixes – 35 for vulnerabilities that can be exploited by remote, unauthenticated attackers) and MySQL (37 – 9).

Patches where also released for Analytics (16 – 11), Retail Applications (15 – 9), Database Server (10 – 2), Communications Applications (9 – 4), Commerce (6 – 5), GoldenGate (6 – 3), Enterprise Manager (5 – 5), Java SE (5 – 5), PeopleSoft (5 – 3), E-Business Suite (4 – 3), Construction and Engineering (4 – 1), Systems (3 – 2), Utilities (3 – 2), Health Sciences Applications (2 – 2), Siebel CRM (2 – 2), Hyperion (2 – 1), Hospitality Applications (2 – 0), Essbase (1 – 1), REST Data Services (1 – 1), JD Edwards (1 – 1), Supply Chain (1 – 1), Secure Backup (1 – 0), TimesTen In-Memory Database (1 – 0), HealthCare Applications (1 – 0), and Insurance Applications (1 – 0).

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On Tuesday, Oracle also published the October 2023 Oracle Linux Bulletin, which includes all CVEs listed in Oracle Linux Security Advisories (ELSA) over the past month, and which includes 61 security patches, for as many unique CVEs.

For Oracle Solaris, the tech giant announced the release of 14 new security patches, including 12 dealing with remotely exploitable, unauthenticated flaws. SecurityWeek counted 15 unique CVEs in the bulletin. Oracle also patched a critical-severity bug in VM Server for x86.

Oracle encourages its customers to apply these security patches as soon as possible. For those customers that skipped one or more CPUs, Oracle recommends reviewing the previously released security updates to determine if their products require patching.

The tech giant also notes that it periodically receives reports of malicious attacks exploiting vulnerabilities for which patches exist, and that some of the victims failed to apply available Oracle patches.

“Due to the threat posed by a successful attack, Oracle strongly recommends that customers apply Critical Patch Update security patches as soon as possible,” the company notes.

Additional information can be found on Oracle’s Security Alerts page.

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