Leveraging DNS Tunneling for Tracking and Scanning

Threat actors are using DNS tunneling as a means to scan for network vulnerabilities and check the success of phishing ...

INC Ransomware Source Code Selling on Hacking Forums for $300,000

The source code of the INC ransomware-as-a-service (RaaS) operation, which has targeted organizations like Xerox ...

VMware Patches Severe Security Flaws in Workstation and Fusion Products

Multiple security flaws have been disclosed in VMware Workstation and Fusion products that could be exploited by threat ...

Insider Threats Maintain a Rising Trend

Insider threats, including dishonest actions to obtain benefits through theft or deception, have seen a significant rise ...

Southeast Asian Scam Syndicates Stealing $64 Billion Annually, Researchers Find

Researchers have found that Southeast Asian scam syndicates are stealing an estimated $64 billion annually through ...

New Chrome Zero-Day Vulnerability CVE-2024-4761 Under Active Exploitation

Google on Monday shipped emergency fixes to address a new zero-day flaw in the Chrome web browser that has come under ...

Cyber Insurers Pledge to Help Reduce Ransom Payments

The UK’s NCSC and major insurance associations have partnered to help reduce the profitability of ransomware ...

Why Tokens are Like Gold for Opportunistic Threat Actors

Tokens are valuable assets for threat actors, as they can be easily obtained through various attack methods and provide ...

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