
Akira Ransomware Group Threatens to Leak Stolen Data from Swedish Municipality

The Akira ransomware group has set its sights on yet another target: the municipality of Bjuv in Skåne County, South Sweden. The notorious hacker group, known for its brazen cyberattacks against Swedish entities, has issued a warning on the dark web, threatening to leak nearly 200GB of stolen data from Bjuv Municipality’s systems.

The ransomware group’s message, posted on the dark web, outlines the nature of the stolen data, including confidential documents, contracts, agreements, and personal HR files.

“We will upload almost 200GB of Bjuvs kommun organization. Confidential documents, contracts, agreements, personal HR files, and so on,” reads the ransomware group message.

Despite the Bjuv Data Breach claim made by the cybercriminals, Bjuv Municipality’s official website remains fully functional, raising questions about the authenticity of the cyberattack.

Akira Ransomware Group
Source: Twitter

Potential Implication of Bjuvs Data Breach

Bjuv Municipality, situated in southern Sweden, plays a pivotal role as a vital administrative center serving the needs of its residents and businesses alike. With its seat nestled in the charming town of Bjuv, the municipality oversees a wide range of essential services and functions, from local governance and infrastructure management to public health and safety initiatives.

This latest Bjuvs data breach comes on the heels of previous incidents involving the Akira ransomware group targeting Canadian-based TeraGo, a provider of secure cloud services. In February 2024, the group allegedly infiltrated TeraGo and boasted of accessing 45GB of data, including client agreements and financial records, threatening to expose the information to the public.

The denim industry also fell victim to the nefarious activities of the Akira ransomware group, with Amsterdam-based DENHAM the Jeanmaker disclosing a cyberattack in January 2024. While the denim giant confirmed the breach, it refrained from attributing the incident to the ransomware group, leaving the veracity of the claims unconfirmed.

Furthermore, the Akira ransomware group’s audacious cyber activities have extended beyond corporate entities to include educational institutions such as Van Buren Public School in Belleville, Michigan. The threat actor boasted of accessing sensitive information about the public school and flaunted their ill-gotten gains on the dark web, although the veracity of this claim awaits official confirmation from authorities.

The Cyber Express has reached out to Bjuv Municipality for further information on the cyberattacks on Bjuv and any associated threat actors. As of now, no official statements or responses have been received, leaving the claims for the Bjuv data breach unconfirmed.

As this story continues to unfold, The Cyber Express remains committed to providing updates on these rapidly evolving cybersecurity incidents. Stay tuned for the latest developments as authorities investigate these alarming threats and organizations work to enhance their defenses against cybercriminals.

Media Disclaimer: This report is based on internal and external research obtained through various means. The information provided is for reference purposes only, and users bear full responsibility for their reliance on it. The Cyber Express assumes no liability for the accuracy or consequences of using this information.